When discussing it with my colleagues, Chad and my brother in law kept saying how awesome it was.
Chad: That’s cause it was really awesome!
I just couldn’t get myself that enthused. All I could come up with was how much it reminded me of Superman 2. Thor was so tough, yet half the movie he didn’t have his powers and was taken down by stun guns, sedatives, and probably terrible one liners as well. Now while I love a great movie, I am able to turn my brain off and indulge in mindless action and effects. But I still want something more that to be teased with what felt like a preface for The Avengers movie in 2012.
So, to get inspired and brainstorm, I started browsing some of my favorite review sites; Listening to the idiots on You Tube, reading real person reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster, and of course Roger Ebert. He hit it spot on and that’s when it all hit me. I found myself agreeing with everything and finally seeing why Thor wasn’t like the Iron Man, Spiderman, or Hulk (the Edward Norton version, obviously) movies.
So instead of our standard review, I invite you to see why Ebert is the top movie critic and read his review of Thor. It couldn’t be said any better.
Oh, and I give Thor a 5 of 10 stars mainly because the post production 3D was decent (I know I’m always ragging about it), Gina gives Thor a 6.5 of 10 stars, and Chad probably gives Thor a 4.5 of 5 beers. You probably need to drink that many to give it a review that high. Go ahead and disagree now Chad!